I took another trip to the Noord to bring a friend to Broeinest (http://www.broeinest.nl),to show him this amazing resource, and a new exhibition by Materia (see earlier post). This time the theme of the show was “Art of Acoustic”, materials related to controlling sound in an architectural environment.
Here are some images of some of the materials for this exhibition.
First two by Dutch felt artist Claudy Jongstra https://www.claudyjongstra.com, second two by textile designer Studio Petra Vonk https://www.petravonk.nl
Rose and Lavender tiles by Organoid http://www.organoids.com/en/materialen/ and yes they smelled like the flowers (and also remind me of work by our student Ella in MateriaLab at CSW) ; Lava tile from Icelandic designer (really interesting work) by Tinna Gunnardóttir https://www.tinnagunnarsdottir.is, and bamboo with white bio-resin by Lama Concept https://lamaconcept.nl.
Second row: BioBlocks made from natural peat https://materialdistrict.com/material/bioblocks/, and mycelium by Edvardstudio http://jonasedvard.dk/work/myx/ which we were intrigued with during our trip to Mediamatic on the social design field trip. We hope to explore this further in our MateriaLab next year.
L to R: Anique Noordman-plastic based but soft surfaces https://www.aniquenoordman.nl, Beck Textiles-recycled paper yarn,
and also Beck Textiles-paper coated in polyurethane https://www.aniquenoordman.nl, and woven fibers (which I did not get information on)
Laser cut wood become flexible (no info on source), hexagonal recycled wallpaper tiles by Dear Human https://www.dearhuman.ca, and sculptable tiles by Kvadrat AS https://kvadrat.dk, that I saw in use on the ceiling of (if I remember correctly) the Danish Museum of Design.